Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Number 9

There is so much information it is overwhelming. It is nice to be able to get what we want and need when we need it. I like Google Blog Search because I like Google. It is easy to use and I enyjoy reading the blogs from everyday people.
I also liked School Library Blogs on Suprglu. Technorati was not my favorite. It did not have a user friendly feel to me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Number Eight

Really Simple Syndication- I need really simple. It is a great service to be able to get in the information you want from different sites with out having to go to the different sites to get it. I subscribed to Dallas Morning News, Fox News, Children's Books, and Youtube. I am looking forward to checking out my Googlereader and seeing what I have gotten. This experience continues to be a really big learning curve. It is amazing how much is out there in the technology world.